Sunday 17 July 2011


It's been a while.

I've been slacking with my self-directed bits and bobs. It's amazing how quickly you can fall into a procrastinating rut. I already feel rusty.

It's not been completely devoid of creativity lately though. I spent this week on work experience/placement/whatever the kids are calling it these days, in Edinburgh at Hamlin Daniels, a brand communications consultancy. I've really enjoyed my time there. The team are friendly, helpful and more than willing to engage in discussions of the industry and beyond. I was given a live brief to contribute to a health food company rebranding and event promotion, which allowed me to tag along to meet the client and witness the early stages of planning. I've been asked back this week to finish my contribution as they'd like to use it, which is exciting.

Beyond that, my next excursion into the grown up world is at the end of August, where I've secured a few weeks experience at BMB in London. The large scale agency will offer a contrasting insight into the industry, which I'm looking forward to. In September, I have another few weeks organised to spend with Whitespace in Edinburgh...who's forte in digital media will provide even further insight. Pretty chuffed all round with the placements, hopefully a couple more in 2012 will allow me to graduate with a solid foundation of experience to move forward with.

Speaking of which, I'm only a bloody year away from graduating! This is nerve-wracking to say the least already. I feel there's so much more to learn and so much I want to cram in to the coming months both academically and socially to make the most of it. The year of the 'last ever's, not to mention the official end to the bubble of youth. That's before you even factor in the inevitable stress of the degree work and subsequent show. Massive question mark hovering over what that will entail.

I had hoped visiting the degree shows (ECA, DJCAD, RGU) would spark some inspiration, but really it only ignited worry. Perhaps that's a necessary evil. I wouldn't say I was blown away by any of them, but then again I'm not sure it's fair to expect that. In the cynical mind of an art/design student, anything that stands out is usually met with eye-rolls in regard to the pretension associated with it or work-envy. I think being in this frame of mind makes you overly analytical of the what/why/when/where/how, making it increasingly difficult to simply enjoy as a casual spectator. What I did take from it though is; when you've seen one graphic design degree show, you've seen them all. The concepts usually stay the same, but the quality differs. Gray's certainly benefited from having a more open Visual Communication course.

I hope that I will produce something that stands out, something that warrants more than a fleeting glance. Easier said than done. Especially if you're simultaneously hoping to appeal commercially. Alas.

So that's what's been going on in my head recently. With a heavy filtration system in place of course, or we'd be here all night. In other news; Harry Potter. End of an era.